• All dumpsters should be located in an enclosure.

  • Use CMU, chain link fence, or steel structure with fencing material for the enclosure. Do not use wood.

  • Enclosure walls should be a minimum of 1 foot higher than dumpster heights.

  • If multiple containers are in one enclosure, they should be spaced a min of 36 inches from each other. In addition, all containers should be a min of 12 inches from enclosure walls.

  • Include a visual buffer such as landscaping or screening if enclosure area is visible from the public right of way or street.

  • If dumpsters are used by tenants, they need to include a safe and accessible route to the dumpster enclosure area, so that no resident is required to travel more than 250 feet to reach it. This distance is reduced to 150 feet if accessed by residents at a senior building. It may be necessary to add an out-swinging man gate so that residents can access the dumpster.

  • If dumpsters are only accessed by site staff, they should include a locked gate only to be unlocked for staff access or on collection days.

  • If a gate is included as part of the enclosure:

    • The gates need to open at an angle wider than 90 degrees, preferably 120 degrees.

    • Provide a hold-open to keep gates open when the dumpster is being unloaded during collection.

  • All enclosures should include a reinforced concrete pad. The pad should be the full size of the enclosure and extend in front of the enclosure by at least half the depth of the enclosure pad.

  • The pad surface cannot have a slope in any direction greater than 2%.

  • A minimum height clearance of 25 feet above the enclosure is required.

  • A turning radius of 45’ is needed near the enclosure so the collection truck can drive forward to access the dumpster, turn and exit the area moving forward, not backing up.

dumpster diagram.png